January 2011 Message From Sandy Corner





One of the pleasures I look forward to over Christmas and New Year is being able to sit down with the array of gardening catalogues which arrive at this time of year and to spend time dreaming what plants to buy, what to include in this year’s purchase and what changes I will make in the Spring and Summer of 2011. I then proceed to purchase online from a number of sources the seeds and plug plants which I will need. This week has seen the arrival of the packets of seeds, the flowers such as sweet peas, marigolds begonias and the vegetables such as tomatoes and salads.














I know in advance what the delivery dates will be and can expect a steady mail-drop at the end of March and into April. It is good to be able to plan ahead, to be positive and know that, whilst all our efforts will not be rewarded with success, we will have prepared the ground, paid attention to the varied needs of the plants and hopefully, in the fullness of time, reaped some rewards. I believe that the same attention can be applied to our human relationships and to our sense of community. If we take a positive approach, put our best efforts in , listen and understand what is going on around us and be prepared to participate rather than stand on the sidelines, we, as people will feel all the better for it and our communities will also thrive. Let us endeavour to make 2011 a year in which we grow as individuals, thrive as communities of faith and ensure the spread of the Good News message wherever we are.


Sandy Corner
Interim Moderator
4, Bain Road, Mintlaw, Aberdeenshire, AB42 5EW
01771-622562 Email, sandycorner@hotmail.com



































 Image on this page courtesy of Christian Clipart